Nutria events

Exhibition-Janko Stefe, heart for racing Razstava - Janko Štefe, srce za dirke


Ivan Hribar Trzin Centre

Tuesday, 3. december 2024, at 18. uri

Talk to Janko Stefet at the exhibition JANKO STEFE-heart for racing.

The conversation will be led by the author of the exhibition Marko Kumer.

Center Ivana Hribarja Trzin

Torek, 3. december 2024, ob 18. uri

Pogovor z Jankom Štefetom ob razstavi JANKO ŠTEFE – SRCE ZA DIRKE.

Pogovor bo vodil avtor razstave Marko Kumer.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Center Ivana Hribarja Trzin