Nutria about


I'm building an aggregator for Slovenia, there are several facets:

  • An encyclopædia of all food products, focusing primarily on vegetarian/bio/eco and exotic (Russian/Eastern). Know more ».
  • All the events in Slovenia in one place. Know more ».
  • On pause. Bringing together farmers and buyers, easing communication as the main goal.

Apart from all the aforementioned, I'm also open to interesting gigs. Being a programmer for several decades, I can advise how to optimise your work—if you have any boring repetitive tasks, they can most likely be automated.

Also any programming tasks: from qGIS to embedded programming, from computer vision to web automation. If you have an idea, I can help to bring it to life. Contact me to discuss your question (free), or we can meet over a beer:)

Some examples of work done:

  • There was a task to print product stickers, the length of the sticker differs from product to product, therefore the font size was larger or smaller, it was being done manually. I've written a script that does it all automatically, and outputs the filled A4 sheets to print.
  • Another task: there's a system where each product has price and stock quantity. When the price or stock changes, need to reflect this on other sites. To evade manual work, I've written a script, that changes data on the shop's site and Wolt automatically.

If you have any ideas, comments or propositions, please feel free to contact me:

  • ✉:
  • ☎: +386 (69) 675-559
  • 🗣: I speak English, French, Russian and some Slovene.

Grocery products

We get all possible information about each product, structurise it to allow for filtering and sorting by every attribute, from price to sugar percentage, from allergens to producing country. Plenty of attributes to be supported, included, but not limited to: bio, vegan, kosher, fairtrade, etc.

We've started with shops in Ljubljana, Slovenia, but the engine is good for adapting to any market. We have data from several shops now, adding new ones constantly.

In the end it will be a set of modules to handle product textual information, both for end-users and for businesses

For users

  • Search engine to help find the product you strive for, respecting your habits/limitations. Various filters like "--soya" to exclude products where soya is even in the traces, "sugar<20" to filter for low-sugar items, etc.

For shops/distributors

I have several solutions (and develop more on demand) to help automate tedious tasks.

Printing stickers No more hours sitting in excel or word, picking font sizes for the data to fit into the cell. Output is pre-cut A4 sheets or tape printer with localised information from your text input.
Stock updating Automatically updating stock from your Vasco (or any other system) to wolt/glovo or your eshop.
Translation API for product ingredients You send the ingredients in any language, and I translate it to your needed language (en/de/sl supported atm, more on demand). Good if you plan to open another shop in different country, the basic product information is easily localisable. And yes, it's better than google translate:)
Showing your products on If you don't want to create your own e-shop, the products you're selling can be presented here (like merchants on etsy/amazon). I can tackle integrations and order handling. Besides, the customers will find your shop faster, because I care for SEO and other technical things to promote it.
Other things I offer
  • Structured product data in en/sl languages: ingredients, nutritional information. Good for initial filling of your website or printing localised stickers. Can present in any format you need (DB, JSON, text, etc)
  • Your shop's site QA. I have many data quality checks: fat value from nutrition must be higher than saturated fats, for example. None of the values per 100g must be higher than 100. If the shop has brand and size both in title and details, they may differ because of that human factor, the script proofreads it. I can find typos in ingredients too.


Now it is the biggest aggregator of events in Slovenia. I gather information from 140 sources, structure and present it on the map, with ability to download individual event entries or subscribe to live calendars in ICS open format.

You can add your events there manually if they're not automatically scraped from somewhere. For that you need to create an account of type performer, and use the dashboard. Ping me for any problems, because that part is not very developed yet.

You can place your ads there. There are several possibilities: top shuffling cards, marker on the map/event cards to show your ad near the events people are searching for. For example if you're a restaurant, it will be context ad naturally.

Farms (on pause now)

In the end I envisage it as a thing to be used by transit tourists passing Slovenia, so they'll be able to meet local farmers to purchase local products or participate in local activities (think traditional dinner).

Company details

Company name:
Laguz d.o.o.
Registration number (matična številka):
VAT number (DDV številka):
SI 89488253
ul. Vide Pregarčeve, 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bank name
NLB d. d.
Bank address
Trg republike 2, 1520 Ljubljana, Slovenia
SI56 0284 3026 4347 781


Я делаю агрегатор для Словении, есть несколько разделов:

  • Энциклопедия всех пищевых, в первую очередь добавляю вегетарианские/био/эко и экзотичные (Русские/Восточные).
  • Все события в Словении, собранные в одном месте.

Помимо вышеперечисленного я также открыт интересным задачам. Я программирую уж несколько десятилетий, могу посоветовать, как оптимизировать вашу работу — если у вас есть какие-то скучные повторяющиеся задачи, стопудов их можно автоматизировать.

А вообще что угодно, связанное с программированием: от qGIS до встроенных систем, от компьютерного зрения до ботов. Если у вас есть идея, я могу помочь воплотить ее в жизнь. Обращайтесь, обсудим, или можно встретиться за пивом:) Болтать — бесплатно!

Несколько примеров:

  • Была задача печатать этикетки товаров из поставки, текста в этикетке могло быть больше или меньше, соответственно надо было выбирать размер шрифта, это делалось руками. Написан скрипт, который делает все автоматически, и выдает заполненные листы A4 для печати.
  • Другая задача: есть система, в которой у каждого товара есть цена и количество в наличии. Надо, когда или цена или количество меняется, отображать реальные данные на других сайтах. Чтоб не делать руками, написан скрипт, который меняет данные на сайте и в Wolt.

С идеями, замечаниями и предложениями обращайтесь:

  • ✉:
  • ☎: +386 (69) 675-559
  • 🗣: Я говорю по-русски, по-английски, по-французски, немного по-словенски. Более-менее понимаю украинский.