Nutria events

Let's celebrate together Praznujmo skupaj


We invite you to the event let's celebrate together, which will take place on the 8th. in December 2024 at 18. uri, in the theater and concert hall Lendava.

They will present themselves:

Happy Vandroci Kd Lipa

Children's folklore group of kindergarten Mavrica Odranci

Mixed choir I don't have time DU Lendava

Dance group of Hotish fish KD Hotiza

Folklore group Kd Mishka Kranjca Velika Polana

Oktet Belmura Singing Society

Croatia Kd Pomurje

After the cultural event, in the upper lobby you can see the exhibited works of amateur painters, which were created this year at the Regional Art and carving creative colony crossroads under the mentorship of akad. pictures. Alexandre Fekonja.

Organizers of the event: JSKD OI Lendava and KKC Lendava.

Kindly invited!

Vabimo vas na prireditev Praznujmo skupaj , ki bo potekala 8. decembra 2024 ob 18. uri, v Gledališki in koncertni dvorani Lendava.

Predstavili se bodo:

Veseli Vandroci KD Lipa

Otroška folklorna skupina Vrtca Mavrica Odranci

Mešani pevski zbor Nimam časa DU Lendava

Plesna skupina Hotiške ribice KD Hotiza

Folklorna skupina KD Miška Kranjca Velika Polana

Pevsko društvo Oktet Belmura

Hrvaško KD Pomurje

Po kulturni prireditvi si lahko v zgornji avli ogledate razstavljena dela ljubiteljskih slikarjev, ki so nastala letos na regijski likovno-rezbarski ustvarjalni koloniji RAZPOTJE pod mentorstvo akad. slik. Aleksandre Fekonja.

Organizatorja prireditve: JSKD OI Lendava in KKC Lendava.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Gledališka in koncertna dvorana Lendava, 9220 Lendava/Lendva