Medvode library,, +386 (0)1 361 30 53.
Dear lovers of adventure and travel , you are invited to Robert Ferlic's inspiring travel lecture "from the couch to Greenland" , where he will present us with his experience of the 550-kilometer crossing of Greenland , which he made together with members of the Norwegian expedition. Robert will take us through his adventure in Greenland and share with us the dream of further expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctica.
Knjižnica Medvode,, +386 (0)1 361 30 53.
Dragi ljubitelji avantur in potovanj , vabljeni na navdihujoče potopisno predavanje Roberta Ferliča "S kavča na Grenlandijo" , kjer nam bo predstavil svojo izkušnjo 550-kilometrskega prečenja Grenlandije , ki ga je opravil skupaj s člani norveške ekspedicije. Robert nas bo popeljal skozi svojo pustolovščino na Grenlandiji ter z nami delil sanje o nadaljnjih odpravah na Arktiko in Antarktiko.