Nutria events


entertainment gastronomy children market

ST. NICHOLAS MARKET-2. market of local and healthy produce and products from the municipality of Gorje and its surroundings!

On Thursday, 5. in December 2024, from 14. to 16. hours at the stands in front of the municipality woe!

They will be available for purchase and tasting:

- warm hooves and St. Nicholas Bakery Planika,

- herbal teas, syrups, jams, herbal salt, fruit Strips, honey with aronia from the Garden of flavors farm,

- cheese and cottage cheese from the PR'klemenak farm,

- cups, pendants, markers for books, bunks for the Christmas tree and Little mandalas by Tina Vovk, Lili's touch,

- Tatjana Modic products, My Little Mandala,

- and what a surprise.

But you will be able to warm up with free tea and mulled wine, and the children will be able to collect among the various winter motifs that our animator will draw on their face!

Kindly invited!

MIKLAVŽEVA TRŽNICA - 2. tržnica lokalnih in zdravih pridelkov in izdelkov iz Občine Gorje in okolice!

V četrtek, 5. decembra 2024, od 14. do 16. ure na stojnicah pred Občino Gorje!

Za nakup in pokušino bodo na voljo:

- topli parklji in Miklavži Pekarne Planika,

- zeliščni čaji, sirupi, marmelade, zeliščna sol, sadni trakci, med z aronijo iz kmetije Vrt Okusov,

- sir in skuta s kmetije pr' Klemenak,

- skodelice, obeski, označevalci za knjige, bunkice za na božično drevo in male mandale Tine Vovk, Lili’s touch,

- izdelki Tatjane Modic, Moja Mala Mandala,

- in še kako presenečenje.

Pogreli pa se boste lahko ob brezplačnem čaju in kuhanem vinu, otroci pa bodo lahko zbirali med različnimi zimskimi motivi, ki jim jih bo naša animatorka narisala na obraz!

Vljudno vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Občina Gorje
Location: Zgornje Gorje 6b, 4247 Zgornje Gorje