Zigan Krajncan is a great refreshment on the Slovenian art scene of recent years. The musician, dancer, choreographer and actor is creatively spread across different parts of the world and develops the idea of Integral creation, always striving to expand, merge and push the boundaries of genre and style. His artistic career led him to the United States, China, Europe and Africa, where he learned about different cultural patterns, absorbed them in his characteristic openness, thought out and introduced them into his own artistic projects. In the company of outstanding musicians, this time he will present the music album Fusion Reactor, where he travels between many genres with original music and dance.
After the concert, you are invited to talk with Zhigan Krajncan – dancer, musician, choreographer, director and performer, who develops the idea of Integral creation, always striving to expand, merge and push the boundaries of genre and style.
The conversation will take place in the lobby of the Park Theater.
Žigan Krajnčan je velika osvežitev na slovenski umetniški sceni zadnjih let. Glasbenik, plesalec, koreograf in igralec je ustvarjalno razpet po različnih koncih sveta in razvija idejo integralnega ustvarjanja, pri čemer vselej stremi k širjenju, zlitju in potiskanju žanrskih ter stilnih meja. Umetniška pot ga je na uspešni in z več nagradami oplemeniteni karieri vodila v ZDA, na Kitajsko, po Evropi in Afriki, kjer je spoznaval različne kulturne vzorce, jih v zanj značilni odprtosti vpijal, premišljal in vnašal v lastne umetniške projekte. V družbi izjemnih glasbenikov bo tokrat predstavil glasbeni album Fusion Reactor, kjer z avtorsko glasbo in plesom potuje med številnimi žanri.
Po koncertu vabljeni na pogovor z Žiganom Krajnčanom – plesalcem, glasbenikom, koreografom, režiserjem in performerjem, ki razvija idejo integralnega ustvarjanja, pri čemer vselej stremi k širjenju, zlitju in potiskanju žanrskih ter stilnih meja.
Pogovor bo v preddverju Gledališča Park.