Nutria events

Reading Cankar's works Branje Cankarjevih del


Tourist Association cashier, recitation group Mavrica Vrhnika and cankar library Vrhnika invite you to read Cankar's works. Wednesday, 11. 12. 2024, at 11.12 in front of the monument to Ivan Cankar on cankar square. As part of the project everywhere there is light.

Turistično društvo Blagajana, Recitatorska skupina Mavrica Vrhnika in Cankarjeva knjižnica Vrhnika vas vabimo na branje Cankarjevih del. V sredo, 11. 12. 2024, ob 11.12 pred spomenikom Ivana Cankarja na Cankarjevem trgu. V okviru projekta Povsod je luč.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Cankarjev trg, 1360 Vrhnika