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Limonini keksi

Brand: Mogli

Size: 125g


In stock (999 available)

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vegansko 2.85
mamaterra 2.85

Product Description

Mogli bio limonini keksi so okusni polnozrnati veganski piškoti z okusom limone.

Product Information

  • Kmetijstvo EU/ izven EU
  • Hranilna vrednostna 100gEnergijska vrednost1960 kJ467 kcalMaščobe17 g– od tega nasičene2,0 gOgljikovihidrati69 g– sladkorji23 gVlaknine4,5 gBeljakovine7,2 gSol0,13 g Hranite v hladnem in suhem prostoru
Number of reviews 0


gluten gluten
oat oat




wheat (78%) (drobljena%)
wheat flour (19%)
agave syrup (15%)
sunflower oil
condensed agave juice (11%)
spelt flour (11%)
oat flakes (7%)
lemon oil
  • Additive name: sodium bicarbonate

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