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Update your details for for 2024!

Hello, Please update your company details for the Eu Business Registry for 2024! To check your details now, please visit Updating is free of charge! Please return the completed form to: Regards, Eu Business Register - Data Accuracy Division

Reviewed by Eu Business Registry on April 24, 2024, 9:06 p.m. | Permalink

This review has no votes. Be the First to Try Our New Sourcing Course – Your Thoughts Matter

Greetings While doing some market research, I discovered your website and thought you might like to hear from us. Our new course reveals secrets to mastering China sourcing, from supplier selection to shipping terms. We're seeking your feedback to refine it before the full release. Your thoughts on our mini-course would help us bridge the gap between our sourcing knowledge and what businesses like yours really need. Discover secrets to successful sourcing, from product specification to selecting top-tier suppliers, with our free lessons. Register for free at and help us make it great!

Reviewed by Della Summerfield on Sept. 8, 2024, 3:30 a.m. | Permalink

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Ecom Product Sourcing Agent - China

Saw your store and loved it! We’re a China-based sourcing agency specializing in product sourcing, quality control, photography, and direct logistics to Amazon or any 3PL. Interested in a free quote? Warm regards, Jiling @ WhatsApp / Wechat: +8615766228838

Reviewed by Garfield Hardaway on May 20, 2024, 1:11 a.m. | Permalink

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What Do You Think of Our Sourcing Course? Free Access Inside!

I discovered your site through a recommendation and wanted to see if you'd be open to connecting with us. Our mini-course, "The E8 Sourcing Method," covers everything from supplier research to understanding shipping terms. We'd love to offer it to you for free in exchange for your thoughts. We're experts at finding products, but new to crafting online courses, and your candid feedback would help us get it right. This free course is packed with resources to help you gain confidence in sourcing and avoid costly mistakes. Sign up via our newsletter at and be a part of our journey.

Reviewed by Stacia Corbo on Sept. 4, 2024, 11:07 a.m. | Permalink

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