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Instant Jed z Rezanci in Omako z Govedino in Japonskim Vasabi Hrenom

Poland Brand: OYAKATA

Size: 93g


In stock (6 available)

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svilnapot 2.30

Product Description

Značilen japonski okus govedine z vasabijem je ujet v lonček z nežnimi instant rezanci. OYAKATA s svojimi izdelki deli tisto, kar je v tradicionalni japonski kuhinji najbolj popularno - jakisoba rezance in juhe v ramen stilu. PRIPRAVA: Pokrov odpremo, odlepimo folijo in vzamemo ven vrečico z omako. 280 ml vrele vode vlijemo v lonček (do notranje oznake) in zapremo s pokrovom za 3 minute. Vodo odlijemo skozi luknjice, vmešamo omako in dobro premešamo.

Product Information

Number of reviews 0


meat meat
gluten gluten


sulphite sulphite
egg egg
mustard mustard
fish fish
mollusk mollusk



instant noodles

wheat flour
palm oil
  • Additive name: modified starch
raising agents


beef bits (0.7%)

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