Nutria events

Stars in the snow 2025 Zvezde na snegu 2025

Oktet Lip Bled, Ana Skumvac, ensemble Ma Fanci and singer Al Fanca. During the event, all the younger members of the cross-country biathlon section of the Gorje Sports Association will be presented, all those gathered will be welcomed and addressed by the president of the Gorje Sports Association, Gregor Repe, and the mayor of the municipality of Gorje, Peter Torkar. The event will be hosted by Mateja Ermon Repe.

Oktet Lip Bled, Ana Skumvač, Ansambel Maxi in pevka Alya. Med prireditvijo se bodo predstavili tudi vsi mlajši člani tekaško biatloske sekcije Športnega društva Gorje, vse zbrane bo pozdravil in nagovoril predsednik Športnega društva Gorje, Gregor Repe, in župan Občine Gorje, Peter Torkar. Prireditev bo vodila Mateja Erman Repe.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Športno društvo Gorje
Location: Telovadnica OŠ Gorje, 4260 Bled