Nutria events

Sun Alliance: exhibition of hand users with cerebral palsy (opening) Zveza Sonček: razstava uporabnikov rok s cerebralno paralizo (odprtje)

culture exhibition


in connection with The Sun, a wonderful (traveling) photo exhibition was created, which will be hosted in February at the Valvasor Library in Krsko.

You are invited to visit and open the exhibition all hands are important – mine and yours, which will be 4. 2. at 18. uri.

The exhibition is hosted in Krsko, where the Center Solnek Krsko and the Association Solnek Posavje are based, which is celebrating 30 this year. anniversary of operation.

In addition to photos, there are also some products that are made by our users in the Sunek centers.

And how did the exhibition actually come about?

Neja Blagovic photographed users who have cerebral palsy in their work.

On her initiative, however, they wrote their own thoughts and reflections on the hands.

"My hands are chained

slow and difficult to manage,

if you need to be gentle,

quick and hardworking.«

Tomaz Lutaric, poet and user of the Center Sunek Maribor


v Zvezi Sonček je nastala čudovita (potujoča) razstava fotografij , ki bo februarja gostovala v Valvasorjevi knjižnici Krško.

Vabljeni na ogled in otvoritev razstave Vse roke so pomembne – moje in tvoje, ki bo 4. 2. ob 18. uri.

Razstavo gostimo v Krškem, kjer imata sedež Center Sonček Krško in Društvo Sonček Posavje, ki letos praznuje 30. obletnico delovanja.

Poleg fotografij je na ogled še nekaj izdelkov, ki jih v centrih Sonček izdelujejo naši uporabniki.

In kako je pravzaprav nastala razstava?

Neja Blagovič je uporabnike, ki imajo cerebralno paralizo, fotografirala pri njihovem delu.

Na njeno pobudo pa so napisali še svoje misli in razmišljanja o rokah.

»Moje roke so zverižene

počasne in težko vodljive,

a če je treba tudi nežne,

hitre in marljive.«

Tomaž Lutarič, pesnik in uporabnik Centra Sonček Maribor

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Valvasorjeva klnjižnica Krško, Southeast Slovenia