The criminals return to the scene of the crime, Swallows and storks to last year's nests, and Zmelkoo video to the club, where once at the end of the Middle Ages they began their careers (and also recorded the first piece). After five years, they will be 17.1. re-chopped, sawed and sang on the stage of the Koper CMK. Since they think it is right to present their rock philosophical poetry to new generations of rockers, they will offer particularly affordable tickets to students. We know that young people urgently need money for cryptocurrencies, drugs, telephones and fancy dresses. But beware, cheap ticket purchase is possible only one day (15.12.)! Of course, the rest of the rocker's life is also invited, which does not bite, break bones and break glasses. Animals larger than 1 cm are only allowed to enter with a fake human identity card.
The event is facilitated by the municipality of Koper, the centre of youth Koper and ZMKT.
Zločinci se vračajo na kraj zločina, lastovke in štorklje v lanska gnezda, Zmelkoow pa v klub, kjer so enkrat ob koncu srednjega veka začeli svojo kariero (in tudi posneli prvi komad). Po petih letih bodo 17.1. ponovno cepetali, žagali in prepevali na odru koprskega CMK-ja. Ker se jim zdi prav je, da svojo rock filozofsko poezijo predstavijo tudi novim generacijam rokerjev, bodo dijakom ponudili posebej ugodne vstopnice. Vemo namreč, da mladina nujno rabi denar za kriptovalute, drogo, telefončke in fensi oblekice. Ampak pozor, poceni nakup vstopnice je mogoč le en dan (15.12.)! Seveda pa je vabljeno tudi preostalo rokersko življe, ki ne grize, lomi kosti in razbija kozarcev. Živalim, večjim od 1 cm, je vstop dovoljen le s ponarejeno človeško osebno izkaznico.
Dogodek omogočajo Mestna občina Koper, Center mladih Koper ter ZMKT.