Nutria events

The Gold Rush 2025 Zloščimo zlato Laško 2025


Great cleaning action

In 2022, the destination Lasko received the highest award in the field of sustainability – the Slovenia Green Destination Platinum Label . It is essential to take care of all aspects of sustainability (economic, socio-cultural, environmental, climate sustainability) at all times, and the cleaning campaign is a great opportunity to take care of a clean environment in our destination.

The big cleanup will take place on Saturday, 22. March from 9.00 to 12.00 and will be held throughout the municipality.

The purpose of the campaign is to collect waste near major and local roads and along major tourist attractions. The campaign is not aimed at collecting bulky waste.

You will be able to connect at various collection points, where you will receive gloves, garbage bags and a snack.

More information follows …

Velika čistilna akcija

Destinacija Laško je leta 2022 prejela najvišje priznanje na področju trajnosti – znak Slovenia Green Destination Platinum . Ključnega pomena je, da vseskozi skrbimo za vse vidike trajnosti (ekonomska, družbeno-kulturna, okoljska, podnebna trajnost) in čistilna akcija je odlična priložnost, da poskrbimo za čisto okolje v naši destinaciji.

Velika čistilna akcija se bo odvila v soboto, 22. marca od 9.00 do 12.00 in bo potekala po celotni občini.

Namen akcije je zbiranje odpadkov v bližini glavnih in lokalnih cest ter ob glavnih turističnih znamenitostih. Akcija ni namenjena zbiranju kosovnih odpadkov.

Priključili se boste lahko na različnih zbirnih točkah, kjer boste prejeli rokavice, vrečke za smeti in malico.

Več informacij sledi …

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
TIC Laško
+386 3 733 89 50
Mobile Phone:
+386 51 305 466
Location: Laško, Laško