Nutria events

Golden Guitar Zlata kitara


Prima Music School invites you to the concert "Golden Guitar", which will take place on 1. December at 16. hours in the Veronika Hall on Japlev Street. The performance will feature guitarists at the Prima Music School, and Martin Strel will also be a special guest.

Martin Strel also once learned to play the guitar, and recently he has been particularly active in the field of projects for swimming, peace and friendship, in connection with which he recently visited the pope in the Vatican.

At the end of the Sunday concert, we will also go on a tour of the lights on the square together.

Kindly invited!

Glasbena šola Prima vas vabi na koncert ''Zlata kitara'', ki bo potekal 1. decembra ob 16. uri v dvorani Veronika na Japljevi ulici. Na nastopu se bodo predstavili kitaristi in kitaristke Glasbene šole Prima, kot poseben gost pa bo sodeloval tudi Martin Strel.

Martin Strel se je namreč nekoč prav tako učil igranja na kitaro, v zadnjem času pa je posebej aktiven na področju projektov za plavanje, mir in prijateljstvo, v zvezi s čimer je bil pred kratkim tudi na obisku pri papežu v Vatikanu.

Ob zaključku nedeljskega koncerta se bomo skupaj odpravili tudi na ogled prižiga lučk na trgu.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Japljeva ulica 2, Kamnik