love stories / We-Live and in Time / 1h 48min / play: Andrew Garfield, Florence Pugh, Grace Delaney, Lee Braithwaite, Aoife Hinds / directed by: John Crowley / the script: Nick Payne / Britain, France
Aspiring chef Almut, whose career is on the rise, and the recently divorced Tobias find that their lives change forever when a chance encounter brings them together in a deeply moving romance. Through the highlights of their life together (falling in love, building a home, starting a family), a difficult truth is revealed that shakes their foundations. When you embark on a challenging journey, you learn to appreciate every moment! The story shows the development of their relationship over ten years, until the moment when Almut falls ill with cancer.
romantična drama / We Live in Time / 1h 48min / igrajo: Andrew Garfield, Florence Pugh, Grace Delaney, Lee Braithwaite, Aoife Hinds / režija: John Crowley / scenarij: Nick Payne / Velika Britanija, Francija
Nadebudna kuharica Almut, katere kariera je v vzponu, in nedavno ločeni Tobias, ugotovita, da se njuno življenje za vedno spremeni, ko ju naključno srečanje združi v globoko ganljivi romanci. Skozi utrinke njunega skupnega življenja (zaljubljenost, gradnja doma, ustvarjanje družine) se razkrije težka resnica, ki zamaje njune temelje. Ko se podata na zahtevno pot, se naučita ceniti vsak trenutek! Zgodba prikazuje razvoj njunega odnosa v desetih letih, vse do trenutka, ko Almut zboli za rakom.