Nutria events

Animals-companions in 20 events. centuries Živali – spremljevalci v dogodkih 20. stoletja

ethnology exhibition

Exhibition opening: 4. October 2024

On display until: 10. February 2025, platform in front of the museum

Exhibition author: Dr. Monika Kokalj Kochevar, Museum Saint

Since 1931, the se 4. in October, on the day of the animal saint St. Nicholas. St. Francis Of Assisi celebrates World Animal Day. The original purpose was to raise public awareness of endangered animal species, but nowadays this day is dedicated to all animals.

Throughout history, animals are an important part of human life, and their role can also be traced through 20 photos. century. The exhibition shows a fragment of the view of animals over time. The main focus of predominantly documentary photography is on events in which people play the main role. Most of the time, animals do not appear in the central motif of photographers. Although the main interest is more rarely focused on animals, we still perceive that they most often play an important role as anonymous participants.

The exhibition was created with the support of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

Odprtje razstave: 4. oktober 2024

Na ogled do: 10. februar 2025, ploščad pred muzejem

Avtorica razstave: dr. Monika Kokalj Kočevar, muzejska svetnica

Od leta 1931 se 4. oktobra, na dan svetnika živali sv. Frančiška Asiškega, obeležuje svetovni dan živali. Prvotni namen je bil ozaveščanje javnosti o ogroženih živalskih vrstah, dandanes pa je ta dan posvečen vsem živalim.

Skozi zgodovino so živali pomemben del človekovega življenja, njihovi vlogi pa lahko sledimo tudi skozi fotografije 20. stoletja. Z razstavo prikazujemo drobec pogleda na živali skozi čas. Glavni fokus pretežno dokumentarnih fotografij je na dogodkih, na katerih imajo glavno vlogo ljudje. Živali največkrat ne nastopajo v osrednjem motivu fotografov. Čeprav je bolj redko usmerjeno glavno zanimanje na živali, pa vendarle zaznamo, da imajo največkrat kot anonimni udeleženci pomembno vlogo.

Razstava je nastala s podporo Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Slovenije.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije
01 300 96 10
Location: Cekinov grad, Ljubljana