"SpranGPT is a parody of artificially generated drawings, where two artists take the role of 'natural unintelligence' and create works of art in real time according to the proposals made by the audience. Instead of algorithmically soulless images, participants receive trash / video drawings full of unusual details and obvious flaws, such as Six-Finger Hands, meaningless proportions and strange combinations of elements."- ChatGPT
»SpranGPT je parodija na umetno generirane risbe, kjer dva umetnika zavzameta vlogo ‘naravne neinteligence’ in v realnem času ustvarjata umetniška dela glede na predloge, ki jih poda publika. Namesto algoritmično brezdušnih slik udeleženci prejmejo trashy risbe polne nenavadnih detajlov in očitnih napak, kot so roke s šestimi prsti, nesmiselni proporci in čudne kombinacije elementov.« – ChatGPT