Nutria events

Winter adventures from the animal world Zimske prigode iz živalskega sveta


sync / set of short animated films / Le Grand Noël des animaux / 1h 12min / directed by: Caroline Attia Larivière, Ceylan Beyoglu, Olesya Shchukina / script: Caroline Attia Larivière, Ceylan Beyoglu, Olesya Shchukina / France, and Germany

Five poetic animal tales, intertwined with playful snowflakes, invite you to fascinating journeys from France to Japan and far to the north, where the northern lights shine and Christmas magic knows no bounds. Each story is a magical and touching adventure that reveals the importance of mutual assistance, generosity and priceless beauty of nature in winter.

sinhronizirano / sklop kratkih animiranih filmov / Le Grand Noël des animaux / 1h 12min / režija: Caroline Attia Larivière, Ceylan Beyoglu, Olesya Shchukina / scenarij: Caroline Attia Larivière, Ceylan Beyoglu, Olesya Shchukina / Francija, Nemčija

Pet poetičnih živalskih pravljic, prepletenih z razigranimi snežinkami, vabi na očarljiva potovanja od Francije do Japonske in daleč na sever, kjer sije severni sij in božična čarovnija ne pozna meja. Vsaka zgodba je čarobna in ganljiva dogodivščina, ki razkriva pomen medsebojne pomoči, velikodušnosti in neprecenljive lepote narave v zimskem času.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kino Rogaška
Celjska cesta 3a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina
041 714 903
Location: Celjska cesta 3a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina