Nutria events

Winter fairy tale: The Play Pika writes to St. Nicholas, Institute easy friends Zimska pravljica: predstava Pika piše Miklavžu, Zavod Enostavno prijatelji


Who doesn't know Pika Sock, the funniest, cutest and strongest girl in the whole wide world. Since it is just the time of giving gifts, Pika also decides to write a letter to St. Nicholas and write in it all her fifty-five thousand wishes.

But soon he gets stuck already in the delivery of the letter ....

Le kdo ne pozna Pike Nogavičke, najbolj zabavne, navihane in najmočnejše punce na vsem širnem svetu. Ker je ravno čas obdarovanja, se tudi Pika odloči, da bo napisala pismo Miklavžu in vanj zapisala vseh svojih petinpetdeset tisoč želja.

A kaj kmalu se zatakne že pri dostavi pisma ....

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Občinski trg 1, 1354 Horjul