Monday, 17. February and Tuesday, 18. February, 9.00—13.00
During the winter school holidays, we will get to know the heritage of Posavje with an emphasis on baroque, have fun, socialize and gain new knowledge.
We collect applications until 13. 2. The 2025 na,, 07 466 05 03.
The number of children is limited.
In the attachments below are the application form, an indicative course of the adventure and the consent of the GDRP if you want us to keep you informed about our programs. You can also pick up all this at the reception of the Posavje Museum Brezice.
You are kindly invited.
Ponedeljek, 17. februar in torek, 18. februar, 9.00—13.00
Z najmlajšimi obiskovalci bomo v dveh dneh skupnega druženja med zimskimi šolskimi počitnicami spoznavali dediščino Posavja s poudarkom na baroku, se zabavali, družili in pridobivali nova znanja.
Prijave zbiramo do 13. 2. 2025 na,, 07 466 05 03.
Število otrok je omejeno.
V spodnjih priponkah so prijavnica, okviren potek Dogodivščine ter privolitev GDRP v kolikor želite, da vas o naših programih obveščamo še naprej. Vse to lahko dvignete tudi na recepciji Posavskega muzeja Brežice.
Prijazno vabljeni.