Nutria events



Winter has fallen asleep, so The Snowman threatens to melt if fresh snow is not taken care of soon. The poor, plump man is faced with a long journey over the nine mountains to visit Grandma winter and bring a new snow cover. Join The Snowman and experience this magical story of friendship and problem solving. Played puppet show in

Zima je zaspala, zato Snežaku grozi, da se bo stopil, če ne bo kmalu poskrbljeno za svež sneg. Pred ubogim, debelušnim možem je dolgo potovanje čez devet gora, da bi obiskal Babico Zimo in prinesel novo snežno odejo. Pridružite se Snežaku in doživite to čarobno zgodbo o prijateljstvu in reševanju težav. Igrana lutkovna predstava v

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Antona Tomaža Linharta Radovljica, Vurnikov trg 1, Radovljica