Nutria events


ethnology lecture

House fruits company Logatec, +386 (0)70 892 903.

You are invited to a travel lecture on Monday, 13. 1. at 16: 30! In her travelogue On Barbagia, traveler and tourist guide Tamara Grilc will look for parallels between Sardinian culture and our Celtic roots and traditions, which were left on our territory by the great migrations of peoples after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and influenced the Aborigines and Slavic newcomers.

Join us in the conversation. It will be interesting!

Hiša sadeži družbe Logatec, +386 (0)70 892 903.

Vabljeni na potopisno predavanje v ponedeljek, 13. 1. ob 16.30! Popotnica in turistična vodička Tamara Grilc bo v potopisu o Barbagiji iskala paralele med sardinsko kulturo in našimi keltskimi koreninami in tradicijami, ki so jih na našem ozemlju pustile velike selitve narodov po razpadu zahodnorimskega imperija ter vplivale na staroselce in slovanske prišleke.

Pridružite se nam v pogovoru. Zanimivo bo!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Hiša Sadeži družbe Logatec - SLOVENSKA FILANTROPIJA
Location: Slovenska filantropija - Hiša sadeži družbe Logatec, Tržaška cesta 148, 1370 Logatec