Dani Strehar, info@popup.si, +386 (0)31 363 179.
it is a comedy where 5 women speak without hesitation on topics that are close to many, but which rarely anyone dares to say aloud.
They treat with sincerity and humor the different stages of life: relationships with men, aging, parenting, sexuality and the search for their own passions.
Each of these 5 women brings their own story and experience, and all of them are united by an unfiltered view of today's world, which is often covered with filters. On stage, these 5 women with insight into their lives and reflection will surely make you laugh to tears, and they will save filters for Instagram.
Played By: Lucija Vrankar, Nushka Dracek, Tanja Kocman, Tina Gorenjak, Desa Muck
Dani Strehar, info@popup.si, +386 (0)31 363 179.
je komedija, kjer 5 žensk brez zadržkov govori o temah, ki so marsikomu blizu, a se jih redko kdo upa naglas izreči.
Z iskrenostjo in humorjem obravnavajo različne faze življenja: odnose z moškimi, staranje, starševstvo, spolnost in iskanje lastnih strasti.
Vsaka od teh 5 žensk prinaša svojo zgodbo in izkušnje, vse pa združuje nefiltriran pogled na današnji svet, ki je pogosto prekrit s filtri. Na odru vas bo teh 5 žensk s vpogledom v svoje življenje in razmišljanje zagotovo nasmejalo do solz, filtre pa bodo prihranile za Instagram.
Igrajo: Lucija Vrankar, Nuška Drašček, Tanja Kocman, Tina Gorenjak, Desa Muck