Puppet-narrative show
Sometimes Frederick fills his tummy so much that he pinches and squeezes it ... oh, how much it hurts! Over and over again he regrets overdoing it, but what if the rat in the castle never knows when it will have a chance for a future meal. If only there was a cure for this ailment. His friend Ziga, who also pushes away unusual dishes on trips, knows how to eliminate this ailment. But there is an even more miraculous fruit in the world that can save the king himself from death. Do you want to know which fruit this is? Join us and satisfy your curiosity.
Featured: Ziga Bunic and Vanja Iva Kretic
A selection of fairy tales and tales: Irena Cerar
The performance is suitable for children from the age of five.
Duration: 30 minutes
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More salt than mind, 23. March 2025 at 10: 30
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Lutkovno-pripovedovalska predstava
Včasih si Friderik tako napolni trebušček, da ga ščipa in tišči … Joj, kako zelo boli! Vedno znova mu je žal, da je pretiraval, a kaj, ko podgana na gradu nikoli ne ve, kdaj bo imela priložnost za prihodnji obrok. Ko bi vsaj obstajalo zdravilo za to tegobo. Njegov prijatelj Žiga, ki na potovanjih odriva tudi nenavadne jedi, ve, kako odpraviti to tegobo. Na svetu pa obstaja še bolj čudežen sadež, ki lahko samega kralja reši pred smrtjo. Vas zanima, kateri sadež je to? Pridružite se nam in potešite radovednost.
Nastopata: Žiga Bunič in Vanja Iva Kretič
Izbor pravljic in pripovedk: Irena Cerar
Predstava je primerna za otroke od petega leta dalje.
Trajanje: 30 minut
Ne spreglejte zadnje predstave:
Več soli kot pameti, 23. marca 2025 ob 10.30
Da ne bi zamudili naslednje predstave, vam Friderik svetuje, da se prijavite na e-novičke .