And Liebe, Eure Hilde, 2024, Germany
Directed By Andreas Dresen
Language: German
Played: Liv Lisa Fries (Hilde Coppi), Johannes Hegemann (Hans Coppi), Lisa Wagner (Anneliese Kühn), Alexander Scheer (the priest, Harald Poelchau), Emma Bading (Most of the Ender-Lautenschläger), the Son of Martens (Libertas Schulze-Boysen), Lisa Hrdina (Grete Jäger), Lena Urzendowsky (Liane Berkowitz), Hans-Christian Hegewald (Albert Hößler), Has Ehrenteit (Harro Schulze-Boysen), Jacob Keller (Heinrich Scheel)
drama, 02h04min
Berlin, 1942. Inconspicuous, kind and compassionate Hilda, who in principle does not care about politics, finds herself in the resistance movement known as the Red Orchestra. There he meets Hans, a slightly shy young man who, along with his friends, is in charge of secret radio communication with the Resistance Movement. Despite the constant danger, Hilda spends another happy summer in the heat of falling in love and Hans's embrace. But finally, the actions of the resistance are revealed, and after a series of arrests, she herself finds herself in prison. Although she hunches that she will be sentenced to death, she does not give in to despondency despite her pregnancy. With his upright posture, he becomes the face of all those Germans who refused to participate in the ideological blinding of the Third Reich.
At the forefront of the true story of illegal activity in Nazi Germany is a simple but brave young woman who defied the regime in Nazi prisons to the end with an upright posture and faith in human goodness.
Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.
In Liebe, Eure Hilde, 2024, Nemčija
Režija: Andreas Dresen
Jezik: nemščina
Igrajo: Liv Lisa Fries (Hilde Coppi), Johannes Hegemann (Hans Coppi), Lisa Wagner (Anneliese Kühn), Alexander Scheer (duhovnik Harald Poelchau), Emma Bading (Ina Ender-Lautenschläger), Sina Martens (Libertas Schulze-Boysen), Lisa Hrdina (Grete Jäger), Lena Urzendowsky (Liane Berkowitz), Hans-Christian Hegewald (Albert Hößler), Nico Ehrenteit (Harro Schulze-Boysen), Jacob Keller (Heinrich Scheel)
drama, 02h04min
Berlin, 1942. Neopazna, prijazna in sočutna Hilda, ki se načeloma ne briga za politiko, se znajde v odporniškem gibanju, poznanem pod imenom Rdeči orkester. Tam spozna Hansa, malce sramežljivega mladeniča, ki skupaj s prijatelji skrbi za tajno radijsko zvezo z odporniškim gibanjem. Kljub neprestani nevarnosti Hilda preživi še eno srečno poletje v žaru zaljubljenosti in Hansovem objemu. A naposled je delovanje odpornikov razkrito in po nizu aretacij se tudi sama znajde v zaporu. Čeprav sluti, da bo obsojena na smrt, se kljub nosečnosti ne preda malodušju. S svojo pokončno držo postane obraz vseh tistih Nemcev, ki niso hotel sodelovati v ideološki zaslepljenosti Tretjega rajha.
V ospredju resnične zgodbe o ilegalnem delovanju v nacistični Nemčiji je preprosta, a pogumna mlada ženska, ki je v nacističnih zaporih vse do konca kljubovala režimu s pokončno držo in vero v človeško dobroto.
Predprodaja vstopnic: Galerija Alga.