Nutria events

Happy Birthday Elvis Vse najboljše Elvis


Happy birthday, ELVIS: Oto Pestner & Uros Peri /

We all know that Elvis is still alive and that his songs will forever be written in our hearts. 8. in January 2025, The King would celebrate his 90th birthday. birthday, so we invite you to celebrate together in the company of Ota Pestner and Uros Peri alter with unforgettable melodies and hits such as “Can't Help Falling In Love" “ "Suspicious Minds" “" In The Ghetto”, “Hound Dog " and others …

Oto and Uros are big fans of Elvis. In memory of the King, Pestner recorded a double album entitled” memories of Elvis", where he presented Elvis ' most beautiful songs in the original and in the Slovenian version. It is also rumored that Elvis and Oto are related, which you will learn more about at the concert.

It was also Elvis who inspired Uros to play the piano. Although Elvis Is The King of rock’n’roll, his songs are also wonderful in a more jazzy performance, especially if behind the arrangements there is a virtuoso, singer and pianist who impresses listeners all over the world with his striking voice and wide charismatic smile.

Experience a musical spectacle that will take you to the golden years of rock’n’roll and bring back memories of Elvis Presle's unforgettable legacy.

Elvis, happy birthday and thank you!


Ticket price: Earl / Bird ticket 19.00 / (first 40 tickets), regular price 23.00 /

Tickets: Tic Lasko, Tic Rimske Toplice, Eventim

Kindly invited!

Vse najboljše, ELVIS: Oto Pestner & Uroš Perić

Vsi vemo, da je Elvis še vedno živ in da bodo njegove pesmi za vekomaj zapisane v naših srcih. 8. januarja 2025 bi Kralj praznoval svoj 90. rojstni dan, zato vas vabimo, da v družbi Ota Pestnerja in Uroša Perića skupaj praznujemo ob nepozabnih melodijah in hitih kot so “Can’t Help Falling in Love”, “Suspicious Minds”, “In the Ghetto”, “Hound Dog” in drugih …

Oto in Uroš sta velika oboževalca Elvisa. Pestner je Kralju v spomin posnel dvojni album z naslovom “Spomini na Elvisa”, kjer je predstavil Elvisove najlepše pesmi v originalu ter v slovenski verziji. Govori se tudi, da sta Elvis in Oto v sorodu, o čemer boste več izvedeli na koncertu.

Prav tako je Elvis tisti, ki je Uroša navdušil nad igranjem klavirja. Čeprav je Elvis Kralj rock’n’rolla, so njegove pesmi čudovite tudi v bolj jazzovski izvedbi, predvsem, če za aranžmaji stoji virtuoz, pevec in pianist, ki s svojim markantnim glasom in širokim karizmatičnim nasmehom navdušuje poslušalce po celem svetu.

Doživite glasbeni spektakel, ki vas bo popeljal v zlata leta rock’n’rolla in obudil spomine na nepozabno zapuščino Elvisa Presleya.

Elvis, vse najboljše in hvala!


Cena vstopnice: Early bird vstopnica 19,00 € (prvih 40 vstopnic), redna cena 23,00 €

Vstopnice: TIC Laško, TIC Rimske Toplice, Eventim

Vljudno vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
redna cena
early bird vstopnica (prvih 40 vstopnic)
TIC Laško
+386 3 733 89 50
Mobile Phone:
+386 51 305 466
Location: Kulturni center Laško, Laško