Nutria events

Werewolf Volkodlak


Man, 2025, USA

Directed By Leigh Malchannell

Language: English

Starring: Julia Garner, Christopher Abbott, Sam Jaeger, Matilda Firth

horror, 01h42min

A man must protect himself and his family when they are pursued, terrorized and chased by a deadly werewolf at night on a full moon.

Trailer :

"What if someone you love became something else?"Golden Globe nominee Christopher Abbott (unfortunate creatures, it Comes at Night) portrays Blake, a San Francisco husband and father who inherits his childhood home in rural Oregon after his father disappears and is presumed dead. As his marriage to his powerful wife Charlotte (EMM entertainment winner Julia Garner; Ozark, Inventing Anna) falls apart, Blake convinces Charlotte to take a break from town and visit the estate with their young daughter Ginger (Matlida Firth; Hullraisers, Coma). However, as the family approaches the farm in the middle of the night, they are attacked by an unseen animal, and in a desperate escape, they barricade themselves inside the house while the creature lurks from the outside. At night, however, Blake begins to behave strangely and turns into something unrecognizable, and Charlotte will have to decide whether the horror in their house is more deadly than the danger outside.

From Blumhouse and visionary screenwriter and director Leigh Modkhannell, creators of the creepy modern monster story The Invisible Man, comes a terrifying new wolf nightmare: The Werewolf. The film also stars Sam Jaeger (The Handmaid's Tale), Ben Prendergast (The Sojourn Audio Drama) and Benedict Hardie (the Invisible Man). Werewolf was directed by Alchkhannell, whose previous films with Blumhouse include the films Invisible Man, Upgrade and Insidious: Chapter 3. The screenplay was written by Leigh Alchkhannell, Corbett Tuck, Lauren Schuker Blum, and Rebecca Angelo (Dumb Mone otherwise). The film is produced by Blumhouse founder and CEO Jason Blum, and is executive produced by R Amuchan Gosling, Ken Kao, Bea se Amucueira, Mel Turner and Leigh Aluchannell.

Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.

Wolf Man, 2025, ZDA

Režija: Leigh Whannell

Jezik: angleščina

Igrajo: Julia Garner, Christopher Abbott, Sam Jaeger, Matilda Firth

grozljivka, 01h42min

Moški mora zaščititi sebe in svojo družino, ko jih ponoči ob polni luni zasleduje, terorizira in preganja smrtonosni volkodlak.

Napovednik :

»Kaj če bi nekdo, ki ga imaš rad, postal nekaj drugega?« Nominiranec za zlati globus Christopher Abbott (Nesrečna bitja, It Comes at Night) upodobi Blakea, moža in očeta iz San Francisca, ki podeduje svoj dom iz otroštva na podeželju v Oregonu, potem ko njegov oče izgine in je domnevno mrtev. Ker njegov zakon z vplivno ženo Charlotte (dobitnica emmyja Julia Garner; Ozark, Inventing Anna) razpada, Blake prepriča Charlotte, naj si oddahneta od mesta in obiščeta posest z njuno mlado hčerko Ginger (Matlida Firth; Hullraisers, Coma). Toda ko se družina sredi noči približa kmetiji, jih napade nevidna žival in v obupanem begu se zaprejo v hišo, medtem ko stvor preži od zunaj. Ponoči pa se Blake prične nenavadno obnašati in se spremeni v nekaj neprepoznavnega, Charlotte pa se bo morala odločiti, ali je groza v njihovi hiši smrtonosnejša od nevarnosti zunaj.

Od Blumhousea in vizionarskega scenarista in režiserja Leigha Whannella, ustvarjalcev srhljive sodobne pošastne zgodbe Nevidni mož, prihaja grozljiva nova volčja nočna mora: Volkodlak. V filmu zaigrajo še Sam Jaeger (The Handmaid’s Tale), Ben Prendergast (The Sojourn Audio Drama) in Benedict Hardie (The Invisible Man). Volkodlaka je režiral Whannell, čigar prejšnji filmi z Blumhouseom vključujejo filme Nevidni človek, Upgrade in Insidious: Chapter 3. Scenarij so napisali Leigh Whannell, Corbett Tuck, Lauren Schuker Blum in Rebecca Angelo (Dumb Money). Producent filma je ustanovitelj in izvršni direktor Blumhouse Jason Blum, izvršni producenti pa so Ryan Gosling, Ken Kao, Bea Sequeira, Mel Turner in Leigh Whannell.

Predprodaja vstopnic : Galerija Alga.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Center za kulturo, šport in prireditve Izola
Kraška 1, 6310 Izola
051 396 283
Location: Kraška 1, 6310 Izola