The curators of the exhibition are Gregor Tezil and Bozhidar Zrinski in the company of the exhibition designer Borut Popenko.
For the first time in many years, the exhibition Victor Vasarel & amp; apos; s exhibition of vasarel & amp; apos; s prints, paintings and objects from different periods of his career offers the Slovenian audience a more extensive insight into the work of this outstanding Hungarian-French artist. In the history of western art after the second world war, it is, Vasarely wrote, to a specific form of visual impression, which made it part of his most recognizable, opartovske artistic vocabulary. Equally important are his considerations and resolute, partly utopian views on art, the status of the work of art and the role of the artist. In addition to an insight into Vasarel's creation, the exhibition offers an insight into the local and regional space and shows the reception of the ideas he co-created and defended here. It presents a diverse selection of works by Slovenian and Croatian fine artists and (graphic) designers who have been associated with it in various ways.
Works by Victor Vasarel Art in dialogue with: Joze Brumen, Josip Gorinsek, Drago Hrvacki, Danilo Jejcic, Ivan Picelj, Sandi Renko, Vyenceslav Richter, Miroslav Shutej
Student products of direction B (1960-1962): Marjana Butala, jure Kleindienst, Majda Kregar, Vesna Lampret, Janez Marinsek, Sasha J. M. Alucchtig, Nastja circular, Jana Omersa, Tonci Pavishkov, Franc Popek, Joze Piber, Alojz Shoster, Anica Vidmar
Vodita kustosa razstave Gregor Dražil in Božidar Zrinski v družbi oblikovalca razstave slikarja Boruta Popenka.
Razstava Victor Vasarely v odmevu z izborom Vasarelyjevih grafik, slik in objektov iz različnih obdobij njegove kariere slovenskemu občinstvu prvič po mnogih letih ponuja obsežnejši vpogled v delo tega izjemnega madžarsko-francoskega umetnika. V zgodovino zahodne umetnosti po drugi svetovni vojni se je Vasarely zapisal s specifičnim vizualnim vtisom, ki so ga naredila dela iz njegove najbolj prepoznavne, opartovske likovne govorice. Enako pomembni so tudi njegovi premisleki in odločna, deloma utopična stališča do umetnosti, statusa umetniškega dela in vloge umetnika. Poleg uvida v Vasarelyjevo ustvarjanje razstava ponuja vpogled v lokalni in regionalni prostor in kaže na tukajšnjo recepcijo idej, ki jih je soustvarjal in zagovarjal. Predstavlja raznolik izbor del slovenskih in hrvaških likovnih umetnikov in (grafičnih) oblikovalcev, ki so bili z njim na različne načine povezani.
Dela Victorja Vasarelyja v dialogu z: Jože Brumen, Josip Gorinšek, Drago Hrvacki, Danilo Jejčič, Ivan Picelj, Sandi Renko, Vjenceslav Richter, Miroslav Šutej
Študentski izdelki smeri B (1960–1962): Marjana Butala, Jure Kleindienst, Majda Kregar, Vesna Lampret, Janez Marinšek, Saša J. Mächtig, Nastja Okrožnik, Jana Omersa, Tonči Paviškov, Franc Popek, Jože Piber, Alojz Šoster, Anica Vidmar