Nutria events

Wine and poetry Vino in poezija

gastronomy culture

You are invited to indulge in the poetry of the greatest Slovenian poet, France Preserna, with a drop of good wine.

7. 2. 2025 at 19.30 , laze Cultural Center in Tuhinje.

Ticket reservations run until Wednesday, 5.2. on tel. no.: 031 414 978

Vabljeni, da se ob kapljici dobrega vina prepustite poeziji največjega slovenskega pesnika Franceta Prešerna.

7. 2. 2025 ob 19.30 , Kulturni dom Laze v Tuhinju.

Rezervacije vstopnic potekajo do srede, 5.2. na tel. št.: 031 414 978

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
25,00 EUR€
Location: Kulturni dom Laze v Tuhinju