The Jubilee exhibition of the painter Vinko Zheleznikar is supported by the cosmos of images of creatures that are constantly with us, but which we do not know as they are. In the dimensions as we will see them, they are real beasts, but the essence lies in the details.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on Thursday, 12. in December 2024, at 19. hours in the gallery. Yuri Smole will talk to the artist.
Jubilejno razstavo slikarja Vinka Železnikarja podpira kozmos podob bitij, ki so stalno z nami, a jih takih, kot so, ne poznamo. V dimenzijah, kot jih bomo videli, so prave zverine, vendar se bistvo skriva v podrobnostih.
Odprtje razstave bo v četrtek, 12. decembra 2024, ob 19. uri v Galeriji Domžale. Z umetnikom se bo pogovarjal Jurij Smole.