A child, a mother, siblings, a bed, a spoon and a cup of porridge – a safe home where we eat, sleep and play. A world that the child recognizes from his own everyday life. Outside the house: a meadow, a stream, bushes and animals that the child watches. Look, a spider on a cobweb, a bird in the air, a white sheep in the meadow! The sun in the sky and the cloud! The toddler already knows them too, some from the yard, others from picture books, because our children see sheep and crabs there for the first time.
Levstik's video performed by the Fru-Fru theater is intended for the youngest, not only in terms of content, but also in terms of visual image, full of soft forms, warm materials and vivid colors, which in a special, slow rhythm of the performance are intertwined with the voices of rhythmized and five words and tiny instuments.
Production: Fru-Fru puppet theater and the House of children and art
After the performance, all the children will be greeted by Santa Claus. At your request, he can also give them gifts. In this case, the price of a child ticket is 7/. You bring the gift yourself. For more accurate information regarding gifting and Listing, be sure to write to hisaotrokinumetnosti@gmail.com.
For children from 18. months on, 55', 5 €/7 €/7 €, mandatory ticket reservations
Otrok, mama, bratci in sestrice, postelja, žlička in skodelica s kaško – varen dom, kjer jemo, spimo in se igramo. Svet, ki ga otrok prepoznava iz lastnega vsakdana. Zunaj hiše: travnik, potok, grmovje in živali, ki jih otrok opazuje. Glej, pajek na pajčevini, ptič v zraku, bela ovca na travniku! Sonce na nebu in oblak! Tudi njih malček že pozna, nekatere z dvorišča, druge iz slikanic, saj ovčke in rake naši otroci prvič vidijo tam.
Levstikov Videk v izvedbi gledališča Fru-Fru je predstava namenjena najmlajšim, ne le po vsebini, ampak tudi po likovni podobi, polni mehkih form, toplih materialov in živih barv, ki se v posebnem, počasnem ritmu predstave prepletajo z glasovi ritmiziranih in petih besed in drobnih instumentov.
Produkcija: Lutkovno gledališče Fru-Fru in Hiša otrok in umetnosti
Po predstavi bo vse otroke pozdravil dedek Mraz. Na vašo željo jih lahko tudi obdari. V tem primeru je cena otroške vstopnice 7 €. Darilo prinesete sami. Za natančnejše informacije glede obdarovanja in uvrstitev na seznam obvezno pišite na hisaotrokinumetnosti@gmail.com.
Za otroke od 18. meseca dalje, 55′, 5 €/7 €/7 €, obvezne rezervacije vstopnic