Nutria events

Velika Lasce: culinary walks "tastes with Jontez" Velike Lašče: Kulinarični sprehodi "Okusi z Jontezom"


Experience the festive atmosphere of velike Lasce with culinary walks through the decorated streets, where the guide Joze Staric every Saturday in December with interesting stories about Lasce and Lascans will spice up the journey, enriched by tasting delicacies at the big-mouthed caterers. The meeting point is in the square at the fountain, a few minutes before the start.

Doživite praznično vzdušje Velikih Lašč s kulinaričnimi sprehodi po okrašenih ulicah, kjer bo vodnik Jože Starič vsako soboto v decembru z zanimivimi zgodbami o Laščah in Laščanih popestril potep, obogaten z okušanjem dobrot pri velikolaških gostincih. Zbirališče je na trgu pri vodnjaku, nekaj minut pred začetkom.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Levstikov dom, Stritarjeva cesta 1, Velike Lašče