Nutria events

Evening movement with MCJ Večerno gibanje z MCjem


Evening movement is a sports and recreation program for young people, which takes place on Wednesdays in the gym of the gymnasium Litija. We mostly play volleyball, everyone is welcome, especially young people among the 15. and 29. years of age.

We play on Wednesdays between 19:30 and 21: 00 in the gym of the gymnasium Litija.

This year it is necessary to register for the evening movement*. How do you apply?

Send us an email at, write in the subject volleyball and register by every Wednesday before practice at the latest.

Evening movement will not take place during school holidays and holidays. We will play until the end of April 2025.

Of course, we saved the best information for the end, the practice is free for the participants!

Večerno gibanje je športno rekreativni program za mlade, ki poteka ob sredah v telovadnici Gimnazije Litija. Večinoma igramo odbojko, dobrodošli so vsi, predvsem mladi med 15. in 29. letom starosti.

Igramo ob sredah med 19:30 in 21:00 v telovadnici Gimnazije Litija.

Letos se je na večerno gibanje potrebno prijaviti*. Kako se prijaviš?

Pošlji nam mail na, v zadevo napiši ODBOJKA in se prijavi najkasneje do vsake srede pred vadbo.

Večerno gibanje ne bo potekalo v času šolskih počitnic in praznikov. Igrali bomo vse do konca aprila 2025.

Najboljšo informacijo smo seveda prihranili za konec, vadba je za udeležence brezplačna!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Mladinski center Litija
Ponoviška cesta 12, 1270 Litija
01 89 80 119
Mobile Phone:
051 443 410
Location: Gimnazija Litija, Litija