Arne Hodalic is one of the most recognizable photojournalists. His photographs have been published in more than 50 prominent world newspapers and magazines, and he has traveled to nearly 100 countries. He recorded his adventures and life stories in a reporter photo-Autobiography Of My Light. On a live evening, he will take us to different parts of the world and share with us stories and photos of the craziest adventures, of which he says: "Even now I can hardly believe that I really experienced all this!«
On the evening live we will meet:
the beginnings of Arne Hodalic's photographic journey
* some of Hodalic's most remarkable adventures; from traveling with a pack of reindeer through the frozen steppes of Russia, to socializing with the Indian shamans of the mysterious Kogi people in the highlands of South America
* motto and life guide of Arne Hodalic:
"Do what pleases you, and you will never have to work again!«
House of Culture Slovenske Konjice
Friday, 28. March at 18.00
Pre-sale ticket price
10 / for the first 100 tickets
12 / regular price
15. price per day of the event
There will be no ticket sales at the event, so please secure them in advance.
Tickets Eventim and Tic Slovenske Konjice
Arne Hodalič je eden najbolj prepoznavnih fotoreporterjev. Njegove fotografije so bile objavljene v vec kot 50 uglednih svetovnih časopisih in revijah, prepotoval je skoraj 100 držav. Svoje avanture in življenjske zgodbe je zapisal v reporterski foto-avtobiografiji Moje svetlobe. Na Večeru v živo nas bo popeljal na različne konce sveta in z nami delil zgodbe in fotografije najbolj norih pustolovščin, za katere pravi: »Še zdaj komaj verjamem, da sem vse to res doživel!«
Na Večeru v živo bomo spoznali:
• začetke fotografske poti Arneja Hodaliča
• nekaj Hodaličevih najodmevnejših prigod; od potovanja s tropom severnih jelenov po zamrznjenih ruskih stepah, pa do druženja z indijanskimi šamani skrivnostnega ljudstva Kogi v visokogorju Južne Amerike
• moto in življenjsko vodilo Arneja Hodaliča:
»Delaj, kar te veseli, in nikoli več ti ne bo treba delati!«
Dom kulture Slovenske Konjice
Petek, 28. marec ob 18.00
Cena vstopnic v predprodaji
10 € za prvih 100 vstopnic
12 € redna cena
15 € cena na dan dogodka
Na dogodku ne bo prodaje vstopnic, zato prosimo, da si jih zagotovite vnaprej.
Vstopnice Eventim in TIC Slovenske Konjice…/arne-hodalic…/event.html