Nutria events

Valentine's day at the grandchild restaurant Valentinovo v restavraciji Vnukec


Join us for a romantic culinary pampering at the restaurant Vnukec , where we will color your Valentine's day with sophisticated flavors, a warm atmosphere and an unforgettable experience.

Let this evening be a special moment for you and your loved one.


02 614 22 00

Celebrate love with great cuisine!

Pridružite se nam na romantičnem kulinaričnem razvajanju v restavraciji Vnukec , kjer bomo vaše Valentinovo obarvali s prefinjenimi okusi, toplim vzdušjem in nepozabno izkušnjo.

Naj bo ta večer poseben trenutek za vas in vašo ljubljeno osebo.


02 614 22 00

Proslavite ljubezen z odlično kulinariko!

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Restavracija Vnukec
Location: Okolica / Ob Blažovnici 86, Maribor, Slovenia, Maribor, Maribor