Nutria events

You are invited to roast trout in the fishing lodge Dornava Vabljeni na pečene postrvi v Ribiški dom Dornava


Members of the Dornava Sports Fishing Association on Ash Wednesday, 5. March, and on Good Friday, 18. in April 2025, during 9. and 16. an hour is invited to the Dornava fishing lodge for baked trout, which you will be able to take home along with the side dish. For more information, as well as for orders and reservations, please contact the members of SRD Dornava:

041 771 915 JANKO CIGULA

041 559 912 JANKO HORVAT

041 243 904 ZLATKO CHUSH


Člani Športno ribiškega društva Dornava na pepelnično sredo, 5. marca , ter na veliki petek, 18. aprila 2025, med 9. in 16. uro vabijo v Ribiški dom Dornava na pečene postrvi, ki jih boste skupaj s prilogo lahko odnesli tudi domov. Za več informacij ter za naročila in rezervacije se obrnite na člane ŠRD Dornava:

041 771 915 JANKO CIGULA

041 559 912 JANKO HORVAT

041 243 904 ZLATKO ČUŠ

041 230 742 DRAGO PETEK

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Športno ribiško društvo Dornava
Janko Horvat
Mobile Phone:
041 559 912
Location: Ribiško društvo Dornava, 2252 Dornava