Invitation to the game 16. Round 1. Slovenian futsal League
The Sports Association E Arttrem invites you to watch the Match 16. Round 1. The Slovenian futsal League between the home team THE Nutrition E Animtrem and the kmn oplast team from Kobarid. The match will take place on Friday, 7. in February 2025, at 20. hours in the Sports Hall in Sodrazica.
All dates
2025-02-07 20:00 - 22:00
Vabilo na ogled tekme 16. kroga 1. Slovenske futsal lige
Športno društvo Extrem vabi na ogled tekme 16. kroga 1. Slovenske futsal lige med domačo ekipo THE Nutrition Extrem in ekipo KMN Oplast iz Kobarida. Tekma bo v petek, 7. februarja 2025, ob 20. uri v Športni dvorani v Sodražici.
Vsi datumi
2025-02-07 20:00 - 22:00