Nutria events

Invitation to the municipal celebration on the occasion of the Slovenian cultural holiday Vabilo na občinsko proslavo ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku


When entering the month of culture, we invite you to the Presern Day, 8. in February, we pay tribute to culture and celebrate the Slovenian cultural holiday.

You are invited to the Central Municipal celebration, which will take place this Saturday, 8. February, at 19. hours at the Cultural Center Postojna. The cultural programme will be co-created by the guest speaker Mojca Mavec, the string orchestra of the Postojna music school, the duo Miha and Eva, and the jazz band Just Friends / Musicuartet with Bojan Volk, this year's recipient of the Miroslav Vilhar award for achievements in the field of culture.

Admission is free.

Ob vstopu v mesec kulture vas vabimo, da se na Prešernov dan, 8. februarja, skupaj poklonimo kulturi in obeležimo slovenski kulturni praznik.

Vabljeni na osrednjo občinsko proslavo, ki bo to soboto, 8. februarja, ob 19. uri v Kulturnem domu Postojna. Kulturni program bodo sooblikovali gostujoča govornica Mojca Mavec, godalni orkester Glasbene šole Postojna, duo Miha in Eva ter jazz zasedba Just Friends Quartet z Bojanom Volkom, letošnjim prejemnikom priznanja Miroslava Vilharja za dosežke na področju kulture.

Vstop je prost.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Kulturni dom Postojna