Nutria events

In anticipation of Christmas-holiday exhibition V pričakovanju božiča - praznična razstava

culture exhibition

Ana Pavec,, +386 (0)51 387 373.

In Petrovc's House, this december will come to life again in a festive atmosphere.

You are invited to the opening of the festive exhibition in anticipation of Christmas , which will take place on the 3rd. December at 17. hours at the St. Nicholas Fair.

The exhibition will be open until 13. December in the working hours of Tic Cerklje.

The exhibition will take you to nostalgic memories of the holidays once upon a time. You will be able to admire:

beautiful Advent wreaths,

holiday arrangements,

bobbin products with Christmas motifs,

unique New Year decorations,

retro cards from the 70s. and 80. flight

Join us and experience the festive atmosphere that connects the past and the present.

Ana Pavec,, +386 (0)51 387 373.

V Petrovčevi hiši bo letošnji december znova zaživel v prazničnem vzdušju.

Vabljeni na odprtje praznične razstave V pričakovanju božiča , ki bo potekalo 3. decembra ob 17. uri na Miklavževem sejmu.

Razstava bo na ogled vse do 13. decembra v delovnem času TIC-a Cerklje.

Razstava vas bo popeljala v nostalgične spomine na praznike nekoč. Občudovali boste lahko:

čudovite adventne venčke,

praznične aranžmaje,

klekljane izdelke z božičnimi motivi,

unikatne novoletne okraske,

retro voščilnice iz 70. in 80. let

Pridružite se nam in doživite praznično vzdušje, ki povezuje preteklost in sedanjost.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Zavod za turizem Cerklje
Location: Petrovčeva hiša, Krvavška cesta 1b, 4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem