The Skocjan caves Park and the Maksa Samsa Ilirska Bistrica Library Invite an introduction to permaculture by Joze Ilersic (together with his wife Jana), a Slovenian pioneer of permaculture, from Notranjska.
Permaculture is an ethical planning system suitable for the production of food, the use of space and the construction of residences. Architecture, agroforestry, organic agriculture, architecture, landscape, ecology are intertwined in it. The emphasis is not on these individual elements, but on the connections between them, achieving a complementary effect. Permaculture is based on careful and prudent observation of nature and natural systems and recognition of universal patterns and principles by integrating them into our operations.
Thursday, 12. in December 2024, in the premises of the library.
Park Škocjanske jame in Knjižnica Makse Samsa Ilirska Bistrica vabita na predavanje UVOD V PERMAKULTURO Jožeta Ileršiča (skupaj z ženo Jano), slovenskega pionirja permakulture, doma z Notranjske.
Permakultura je etični sistem načrtovanja, primeren za proizvodnjo prehrane, izrabe prostora ter gradnjo prebivališč. V njej se prepletajo arhitektura, agrogozdarstvo, ekološko kmetijstvo, arhitektura, krajina, ekologija. Poudarek ni na teh posameznih elementih, temveč na povezavah med njimi, pri čemer se doseže dopolnjevalni učinek. Permakultura sloni na pozornem in preudarnem opazovanju narave in naravnih sistemov ter prepoznavanju univerzalnih vzorcev in principov z vključevanjem le-teh v naše delovanje.
V četrtek, 12. decembra 2024, v prostorih knjižnice.