Nutria events

An hour of fairy tales with 2+gameplay Ura pravljic z igranjem 2+

entertainment children theatre

Fairy tale lessons for children 2+ years old combine storytelling with play and exploration. Children listen to short, interesting fairy tales, and then bring the story to life through play with toys, dolls and other gadgets. This interactive approach stimulates imagination, language skills and social skills. Children connect with the story and other participants in a pleasant environment, creating a fun and stimulating experience that enhances the joy of stories and encourages creativity.

Ure pravljic za otroke, stare 2+ leta, združujejo pripovedovanje zgodb z igro in raziskovanjem. Otroci poslušajo kratke, zanimive pravljice, nato pa zgodbo oživijo skozi igro z igračami, lutkami in drugimi pripomočki. Ta interaktivni pristop spodbuja domišljijo, jezikovne spretnosti in socialne veščine. Otroci se v prijetnem okolju povežejo z zgodbo in drugimi udeleženci, kar ustvarja zabavno in spodbudno izkušnjo, ki krepi veselje do zgodb ter spodbuja ustvarjalnost.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Jurij Vega, Ljubljana