Nutria events

English-language fairy tale hour Ura pravljic v angleškem jeziku

children culture

For everyone who is still pulling the tail of an unpleasant past and would finally like to get rid of it. We talk and books help us even if we don't read them. You don't have to talk either, just come and be part of our society.

Masha Uranus Leads .

Za vse, ki še vlečete rep neprijetne preteklosti in bi se ga končno radi znebili. Pogovarjamo se in knjige nam pomagajo tudi, če jih ne beremo. Tudi govoriti vam ni treba, samo pridite in bodite del naše družbe.

Vodi Maša Uran .

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Šiška – 1. nadstropje