Nutria events


lecture workshop health or on the phone no.

031 28 88 27..


we invite you to an educational workshop entitled Stress Response Management , which will take place on Tuesday, 18. February 2025 at 18. uri .

At the workshop, we will explore the (own) stress and defense responses of our autonomic nervous system, learn about effective tools for strengthening internal flexibility and together perform practical exercises that support the harmony of the body.

Join us and discover how you can improve your response to stressors with greater physical and emotional awareness.

The meeting will take place live, at the premises of the Institute VIR, zavod, vrunceva ulica 9, Celje.

Applications are mandatory and are accepted until Friday the 14th. in February 2025 via el. mail: or on the phone no.: 031 28 88 27 .

In the event that you do not attend the workshop, report the change in good time.


Registration for meetings and a real timely ARRI al is required.

Activities at the VIR Institute (unless otherwise stated) last 2 hours.

The content of the program is free .

You can also take part in an exclusively educational workshop (educational group, spiritual corner and family setting) as a general public and you do not need to be a user of a comprehensive social rehabilitation program. If the site is available, we are happy to include you.

In order for activities to be free for participants, we show them to co-financers ( funders and donors ) and we need some data about you.

Before the start of the activity, we need you to sign the attendance record and, if you have a new consent to the processing of personal data (your data and also placement in the subprogram Prevention of addiction and rehabilitation of drug users or rehabilitation of non-chemical addictions). Your data is kept encrypted and anonymized. Without these records, the number of people present cannot be fooled.

If you do not agree to this, you cannot participate in the free activity (in accordance with the general terms and conditions of participation in the activities, also published on the website (l )

We sincerely thank people and companies who are willing to donate and support the program for their contribution to the TRR.

According to the contract with MDDSZEM, we intend to obtain 20% of the funds ourselves in order to obtain the funds from the tender.

Thus, all donors, sponsors, supporters of the program are welcome.

The possibility of financial support for the existence of the program is also with the allocation of part of the personal income tax. More at .

We welcome you to the meeting,

Vir Institute collective ali na telefonsko št.

031 28 88 27..

Lepo pozdravljeni,

vabimo vas na edukativno delavnico z naslovom Upravljanje s stresnimi odzivi , ki bo potekala v torek, 18. februarja 2025 ob 18. uri .

Na delavnici bomo raziskali (lastne) stresne in obrambne odzive našega avtonomnega živčnega sistema, spoznali učinkovita orodja za krepitev notranje prožnosti ter skupaj izvedli praktične vaje, ki podpirajo harmonijo telesa.

Pridružite se nam in odkrijte, kako lahko z večjo telesno in čustveno zavestjo izboljšate svoj odziv na stresorje.

Srečanje bo potekalo v živo, v prostorih Inštituta VIR, zavod, Vrunčeva ulica 9, Celje.

Prijave so obvezne in jih sprejemamo do petka 14. februarja 2025 preko el. pošte: ali na telefonsko št.: 031 28 88 27 .

V primeru, da se delavnice ne udeležite, spremembo pravočasno sporočite.


Potrebna je PRIJAVA na sre č anja in pravo č asen prihod.

Aktivnosti na Inštitutu VIR (v kolikor ni drugače zapisano), trajajo 2 uri.

Vsebine programa so brezplačne .

Udeležite se lahko tudi izključno IZOBRAŽEVALNE DELAVNICE (EDUKATIVNE SKUPINE oz. DUHOVNEGA KOTIČKA in Postavitve družine) kot splošna javnost in ni potrebno, da ste uporabnik celostnega programa socialne rehabilitacije. V kolikor je mesto na voljo, vas z veseljem vključimo.

Da so aktivnosti lahko za udele ž ence brezpla č ne, jih izkazujemo sofinancerjem ( Financerji in donatorji ) in o vas potrebujemo nekaj podatkov.

Pred začetkom aktivnosti tako potrebujemo od vas podpis evidence prisotnosti in v kolikor ste na novo tudi soglasje o obdelavi osebnih podatkov (vaše podatke in tudi umestitev v podprogram Preprečevanje odvisnosti in rehabilitacija uporabnikov drog ali rehabilitacija nekemičnih zasvojenosti). Vaši podatki so vodeni šifrirano in anonimizirano. Brez teh evidenc števila prisotnih ne moremo zavesti.

V kolikor s tem ne soglašate, se brezplačne aktivnosti žal ne morete udeležiti (skladno s splošnimi pogoji sodelovanja na aktivnostih, objavljeno tudi na spletni strani l )

Osebam in podjetjem, ki so pripravljeni donirati in podpreti program, se za prispevek na TRR iskreno zahvaljujemo.

Glede na pogodbo z MDDSZEM smo namre č dol ž ni 20% sredstev tudi sami pridobiti, da dobimo lahko sredstva iz razpisa.

Tako ste dobrodošli vsi donatorji, sponzorji, podporniki programa.

Možnost finančne podpore za obstoj programa je tudi z namenitvijo dela dohodnine. Več na .

Lepo vas pozdravljamo do snidenja,

kolektiv Inštituta VIR

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
INŠTITUT VIR - socialna rehabilitacija,raziskovanje in razvoj, zavod, Vrunčeva ulica 9, 3000 Celje
Location: Inštitut Vir - socialna rehabilitacija, raziskovanje in razvoj, zavod, Vrunčeva ulica 9, 3000 Celje