Nutria events

Teaching aid for Primary School students Učna pomoč za osnovnošolce

children workshop

The learning aid Program is designed for Primary School students who need help with schoolwork and learning. The Program is free for elementary school students and will start on the 17th. on Oct.

The Program takes place every Thursday, between 16:30 and 18:30, except during school holidays, in the premises of the Litija Youth Center. It is run by students and volunteers, so there may be cancellation of appointments.

In order to participate, it is necessary to make an appointment at each appointment and provide information about the school subject in which they need help and the material currently discussed. For the activity, children should always bring their notebook, textbook and other material that they receive for each subject at school. Students who have additional professional assistance at school can attend our program only by Agreement and discussion with the DSP provider.

The Program is not a substitute for tutoring and is not suitable for students who prove to need regular assistance and the constant presence of an instructor. In these cases, we refer you to a cliche (Club of lithium and SMAR students), which offers paid tutoring.

Further information can be obtained at 051/443-410 or by e-mail at on the first visit, parents must necessarily join the child!

Program UČNA POMOČ je namenjen osnovnošolcem, ki potrebujejo pomoč pri šolskih nalogah in učenju. Program je za učence OŠ brezplačen in se bo začel 17. oktobra.

Program poteka vsak četrtek, med 16:30 in 18:30, razen med šolskimi počitnicami, v prostorih Mladinskega centra Litija. Vodijo ga študentje in prostovoljci, zato lahko prihaja do odpovedi terminov.

Za udeležbo se je potrebno na vsak termin najaviti in posredovati informacijo o šolskem predmetu pri katerem potrebujejo pomoč in trenutno obravnavano snov. Na aktivnost morajo otroci s seboj VEDNO prinesti svoj zvezek, učbenik in ostalo gradivo, ki ga za posamezni predmet dobijo v šoli. Učenci, ki imajo v šoli omogočeno dodatno strokovno pomoč, lahko naš program obiskujejo le po dogovoru in pogovoru z izvajalcem DSP.

Program ni nadomestek za inštrukcije in ni primeren za učence, za katere se izkaže, da potrebujejo redno pomoč in stalno prisotnost inštruktorja. V teh primerih obvestimo vas napotimo na KLIŠE (Klub litijskih in šmarskih študentov), ki ponuja plačljive inštrukcije.

Dodatne informacije lahko dobite na številki 051/443-410 ali po elektronski pošti na naslovu Na prvem obisku se morajo otroku OBVEZNO pridružiti tudi starši!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Mladinski center Litija
Ponoviška cesta 12, 1270 Litija
01 89 80 119
Mobile Phone:
051 443 410
Location: MC, Litija