Nutria events

U3nek: MepzPostojna and ZPZ Grudnov Smikle U3nek: MepzPostojna in ŽPZ Grudnove Šmikle


MePZ Postojna starts 12. circle of choral U3NKOV. The first concert will take place in the company of excellent singers from Skopje Loka, who have made themselves a very interesting name, and in more than 20 years of work they can boast of equally interesting projects and excellent achievements.

Their performance will be intertwined with works of classical and contemporary choral literature, and in this singing season, under the direction of choir director Magdalena Rova Jovan, they are especially devoted to arrangements of Slovenian folk songs from Carinthia to Primorska.


MePZ Postojna začenja 12. krog zborovskih U3NKOV. Prvi koncert se bo odvil v družbi odličnih pevk iz Škofje Loke, ki so si nadele nadvse zanimivo ime, v več kot 20-letnem delovanju pa se lahko pohvalijo s prav tako zanimivimi projekti in z odličnimi dosežki.

Njihov nastop bo prepleten z deli klasične in sodobne zborovske literature, v tej pevski sezoni pa se pod vodstvom zborovodkinje Magdalene Rože Jovan še posebej posvečajo priredbam slovenskih ljudskih pesmi od Koroške do Primorske.


Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Mepz Postojna
Location: dvorana Glasbene šole v Postojni, 6230 Postojna