In the month of February 2025, we will create carnival masks, pots of happiness and pots of kind wishes, Valentine's gifts, headbands, heart toys for ourselves and pets, catchers of happiness and dreams, unique handbags, book heroes, ghosts and monsters, unique scrunchie hair elastics and sustainable masterpieces of our own inspiration from sustainable materials.
V mesecu FEBRUARJU 2025 bomo iz trajnostnih materialov kreirali pustne maske, lončke sreče in lončke prijaznih želja, valentinova darilca, naglavne trakove, srčne igračke zase in za hišne ljubljenčke, lovilce sreče in sanj, unikatne torbice, knjižne junake, straškote in pošastkote, unikatne elastike za lase – scrunchie in trajnostne mojstrovine po lastnem navdihu.