You will be guided by the philosopher, legal theorist and co-curator of the exhibition Renata Salecl.
The current legal framework governing airspace and space was formed in the Forties, sixties and seventies of the last century. Today it no longer corresponds to the increasing threats to which the world population is exposed. In the airspace topology exhibit, Shona Illing Animatorth explores how airspace and space are becoming areas of threat to humans. It focuses on contemporary challenges such as new forms of aerial attack and surveillance, the consequences of climate change, and the dangers of economic and military exploitation of space. In 2018, together with human rights lawyer Nick grief, she founded the Civil Society Initiative Aerospace Tribunal – international people's Tribunal for airspace. The initiative formulated a proposal for a new human right designed to protect people from physical and psychological threats from the air. Today, the Airspace Tribunal is run by Shona Illing Animatorth and Renata Salecl, who is also co-curator of the exhibition.
The guided tour will take place in Slovenian.
Po razstavi Shone Illingworth Topologije zračnega prostora vas bo vodila filozofinja, pravna teoretičarka in sokustosinja razstave Renata Salecl.
Sedanji pravni okvir, ki ureja zračni prostor in vesolje, je bil oblikovan v štiridesetih, šestdesetih in sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Danes ne ustreza več vse večjim grožnjam, ki jim je izpostavljeno svetovno prebivalstvo. Shona Illingworth v razstavi Topologije zračnega prostora raziskuje, kako zračni prostor in vesolje postajata območji grožnje za ljudi. Osredotoča se na sodobne izzive, kot so nove oblike napadov in nadzora iz zraka, posledice podnebnih sprememb ter nevarnosti gospodarskega in vojaškega izkoriščanja vesolja. Leta 2018 je skupaj z odvetnikom za človekove pravice Nickom Griefom ustanovila civilnodružbeno pobudo Airspace Tribunal – mednarodno ljudsko sodišče za zračni prostor. Pobuda je oblikovala predlog za novo človekovo pravico, namenjeno zaščiti ljudi pred fizičnimi in psihološkimi grožnjami iz zraka. Danes Airspace Tribunal vodita Shona Illingworth in Renata Salecl, ki je tudi sokustosinja razstave.
Vodeni ogled bo potekal v slovenščini.