Nutria events

Tarok in the library Tarok v knjižnici

entertainment social

Tarok is a board and mind game from the first half of 15. century derived from Italy. At our meetings, we will get acquainted with the basics of tarot and upgrade the knowledge gained by playing this popular game.

The workshop is led by Niko Praznik

Tarok je družabna in miselna igra iz prve polovice 15. stoletja, ki izhaja iz Italije. Na naših srečanjih se bomo spoznali z osnovami taroka in pridobljeno znanje nadgradili z igranjem te priljubljene igre.

Delavnico vodi Niko Praznik

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Fužine, Ljubljana