11.00 opening of the renovated geological and mining collection, presentation of the collection and management
Mining collection, which has been on display in the Museum of Zhelezniki since the end of the 60s. for years, it has undergone a renovation this year. You are invited to open and guide the renovated museum collection.
On this day, there will be free admission to the museum. You are invited to visit the permanent museum collections, which will take you through the Ironworks. You will learn about the crafts that complemented the successful ironworking business. A special story that began to develop after the end of ironworking is lace-making. Lace-making is inscribed on the Unesco Representative List of the intangible heritage of humanity.
In the pre-holiday season, TIC has a rich selection of handicraft products in the Museum of Zhelezniki. You are invited to choose gifts from the local environment for your loved ones.
29. 11. 2024, at 18.00, Dolenja vas
Opening of the Memorial Room of Dr. Anton Ramovs, which will be located on the first floor of the Sports Club, Dolenja vas 127. The cultural program will be prepared by KS Dolenja vas.
On the day of his birth, Tuesday, 17. in December 2024, at 18.00 there will be an open day and a guided tour of the exhibition with geologist Alojzi Pavel Florjancic.
11.00 odprtje prenovljene geološke in rudarske zbirke, predstavitev zbirke in vodenje
Rudarska zbirka, ki je v Muzeju Železniki na ogled od konca 60. let, je v letošnjem letu doživela prenovo. Vabljeni na odprtje in vodenje po prenovljeni muzejski zbirki.
Na ta dan bo prost vstop v muzej. Vabljeni, da obiščete stalne muzejske zbirke, ki vas bodo popeljale skozi fužinarske Železnike. Spoznali boste obrti, ki so dopolnjevale uspešno železarsko dejavnost. Posebna zgodba, ki se je začela razvijati po koncu železarstva, je klekljanje čipk. Klekljanje čipk je vpisano na Unescov Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne dediščine človeštva.
V predprazničnem času ima TIC v Muzeju Železniki bogato izbiro rokodelskih izdelkov. Vabljeni, da za vaše najdražje izberete darila iz lokalnega okolja.
29. 11. 2024, ob 18.00, Dolenja vas
Odprtje spominske sobe dr. Antona Ramovša, ki bo v prvem nadstropju prostorov športnega društva, Dolenja vas 127. Kulturni program bo pripravila KS Dolenja vas.
Na dan njegovega rojstva, v torek, 17. decembra 2024, ob 18.00 bo dan odprtih vrat in vodenje po razstavi z geologom Alojzijem Pavlom Florjančičem.